
Club Service Projects

ZC of Chelsea and No Shore MA

We received good press from the Chelsea Record which spotlighted our November project. The club donated toiletries to the woman residing at a local shelter.  We also donated money to help them out.
The second picture is one of our members presenting food gift cards to our local school department. We give each school in our area Chelsea, Revere, Everett, Saugus and Winthrop food gift cards for the holiday season for families in need.


ZC of South County RI

In January a first service project was done for the Domestic Violence Resource Center of South County in South Kingstown. The members of the Club responded to a request for paper goods; paper towels, toilet paper, and tissues for its shelter, donated and delivered them. The donation consisted of 111 rolls of toilet tissue, 18 boxes of tissues, 65 rolls of paper towels, and three packages of napkins. The club is starting a relationship with this organization after having had the Director of Development and Communications as our first guest speaker at our first meeting held in September.

ZC of Quaboag Valley MA

On February 14th, Venture Way Collaborative had an amazing time hosting Zonta Qaboag Valley Period Project. The Period Project assembly was a great event with at least 24 people joining to assemble, drop off or pick up supplies. They ran out of bags after making 600 kits! A huge thanks goes out to all the businesses that helped collect thousands of dollars worth of feminine products and to @alianzadv, @chdfoa, @girlsincvalley, @amherstsurvival @ccholyoke, and other food banks and volunteers who helped get the finished kits to women and girls who need them most.

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