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District 1 Member Survey

The incoming 2024-2026 District 1 Board and I would like to know more about the diverse interests of our members.  We want to acknowledge all that our members have done in their own clubs and in our District and to find out how they would like to provide Zonta service in the future.  We don’t want to assume anything.  Please take a 5-10 miutes to fill out this survey as soon as possible.  We appreciate your input.            LINK Donna Raycraft, Governor-elect

District Membership Meeting – Virtual


District 1 Membership Chair Donna Raycraft, Zonta Club of Concord NH USA The more members we have, the greater impact we make. That means we need to do two things: Recruit new members and supporters, welcoming diversity and being inclusive. Keep existing members engaged, spreading the Zonta Spirit and developing leaders. Members of each club are invited to a virtual Membership meeting on the first Monday of the month, but membership is EVERY Zontian’s responsibility. Zoom: