
District 1 Bylaws, Resolutions, Protocol Chair
Joyce Heck, Zonta Club of Concord NH USA

Every biennium after the Zonta International Convention, ZI updates the Bylaws and Manuals to reflect changes made by delegate vote or for clarification. These documents are the tools that govern participation in Zonta.   Members are strongly encouraged to take the Zonta Leadership Program – Governance modules, for a better understanding of how we operate.

Each biennium, Clubs are responsible for updating the Club Bylaws to reflect changes from the International Convention. ZI provides a Bylaw Template to help with this task.  In addition, District and Club board members and elected and appointed committee members must sign a Conflict of Interest form.  Both of the documents are included below.

Bylaw Update Instructions 2022

Every biennium after the Zonta International Convention, ZI provides an updated Club Bylaw Template that must be adopted by club members to be sure club bylaws are in sync with changes made by delegates at Convention. There are very few changes from the 2021 template. Review the Action Required and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. ACTION REQUIRED If the club hasn’t updated the bylaws in the last 4 years, please customize the 2023 Template as directed on the 1st page. When completed, distribute to all members for review and approval. A 2/3 vote is required to adopt the Bylaws. Send an electronic copy of the approved Bylaws to for the District Archive. If the club updated the bylaws with the 2021 Template, please edit your document to reflect changes in the 2023 bylaw version. [For most of you the changes will be minimal – see below for […]

Resources and Links

Conflict of Interest Form  PDF

Confidentiality Policy Form  PDF

2023 Zonta Club Manual PDF The Club Manual serves as a guideline for club officers and committee members and contains information related to basic club operations, resources, and reference materials. This manual incorporates the Marian De Forest Membership Manual as referenced in the Zonta International Bylaws.

2022 Governing Documents PDF  The Governing Documents include the following group of documents:
Zonta International Articles of Incorporation*, Zonta International Bylaws*, Rules of Procedure*, Glossary Listing of Dues and Fees*, Zonta Foundation for Women Articles of Incorporation, Zonta Foundation for Women Bylaws, Resolutions for the Biennium*, Biennial Goals*.
*Approved by the voting members. These documents are reviewed every biennium and a complete update is provided to the membership in even years.

2022 – 2024 Club Bylaws Template (DOC) 

2023 Amended District 1 Rules of Procedures (Fall Conference Halifax) PDF  Districts are required to adopt rules of procedure to govern district administration. These rules must conform to Zonta International’s rules of procedure and bylaws, and must comply with applicable laws and regulations.

2023 Zonta District and District Conference Manual  PDF The District and District Conference Manual serves as a general guideline for district officers, committee chairmen and other Zontians involved in activities at the district level. The District Conference Manual has been combined into the District Manual so all information is conveniently located.

2022 Zonta Protocol Manual PDF The Protocol Manual presents clear guidelines for Zontians who are responsible for the organization of Zonta activities at the club, area, district and international levels. It is designed to enable the organization of events which exemplify courtesy, consideration and recognition of status.