District 1 Advocacy Committee Chairs:
USA: Tonya Ozone, Zonta Club of Concord NH, USA
Delegate to the USA Advocacy Caucus – Website | Facebook
CA: Carol Dobson, Zonta Club of Halifax, Nova Scotia CA
Delegate to the CA Advocacy Caucus – Website | Facebook
Remember that as Zonta members we have pledged to empower women through service and advocacy. Sometimes in our clubs we concentrate on the service part more easily than the advocacy part. However, we might live in a world where if we did enough advocacy, the service wouldn’t be necessary. The next time you participate in a service, whether it’s providing a scholarship or collecting things for homeless women or a domestic violence shelter, ask yourself what needs to be done to prevent these needs. That’s where we roll up our sleeves and stand up for women!
March 2025 Zonta USA Caucus bulletinZonta’s Response to the Systematic Disturbing Rollback of Women’s Rights Globally
Zonta International remains steadfast in its mission to build a better world for women and girls For over 100 years Zonta International and its members have fought hard to advance the rights of women and girls around the world. Sadly, over the last several years, we have witnessed a systematic disturbing rollback of women’s rights globally. These efforts to undermine the rights of women and girls, coupled with now an alarming significant decrease in funding for development aid from the United States and several European countries, are both deeply troubling and regressive actions that threaten the fundamental hard-won progress achieved in advancing gender equality, human rights and sustainable development. Undermining women’s rights, cutting critical funding for programs that empower women and girls, and disregarding the needs of the most vulnerable populations, set back decades of work toward a fairer, more just world not only for women and girls but for […]
16 Days of Advocacy
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence was initiated in 1991 by the Women’s Global Leadership Institute at Rutgers University. Activists around the world recognize it as a time to raise awareness in their communities and to call for the elimination of all types of gender-based violence. The designated 16-day period begins on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on Nov. 25 and ends on Human Rights Day Dec. 10. In addition to Zonta, more than 6,000 organizations from 187 countries have participated in the campaign. Here are highlights from District 1 Clubs! Zonta Club of Chelsea and North Shore Note from Governor Donna Raycraft: “A perfect match for the goals of 16 Days. I love that they were packed in an orange reusable Zonta bag, too. The bags not only promote Zonta, but their reusability hits the mark on the second ZI goal of […]
Women’s Economic Opportunities in the Context of Climate Change
The Zonta Says NOW Intercontinental Think Tank meets on the third Sunday of each month and members may register via the Zonta International Events page. Recordings of Intercontinental Think Tank meetings and can be found here. The November Zonta International Think Tank shared the newly released Fact Sheet on Women’s Economic Opportunities in the Context of Climate Change. This 24 page document is colourful and easy to read. It is designed to be read online as it contains many hyperlinks. If you don’t understand the links between climate change and women’s economic opportunity, this is the document for you!I Click on the visual below to open the PDF – and please share with friends and colleagues to educate them on the issues as well.
Climate Webinar with Dr. Patricia Tesoriero
Dr. Patricia Tesoriero, a member of District 1 e-Club, discusses: what is climate change; human-made climate change causes; fracking impact; climate justice, gender inequality, and how climate change impacts women and girls.
Local Advocacy Initiatives
During the 16 Days of Advocacy 2023, each club was involved in creating more visibility for Zonta and our Causes.
Canadian Advocacy Update 2/2024
The last meeting of the Canada Caucus was held on January 19, 2024. The design and content of the website was the main topic of the meeting. In Canada, February 22 is Human Trafficking Awareness Day and the Canada Caucus Committee on Human Trafficking is creating strategies to share with our clubs and like-minded organizations to create awareness of this serious issue on that day. In 2023: 22 February is Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Canada. The link (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kECekB-1O6wD7P9PKAe9GpxNRxf4Lovq?usp=share_link) contains the following materials and suggested activities for club actions: • 2023 document 1 overview of suggested activities • 2023 document 2 with links to more information on Human Trafficking in Canada • Chelsea’s Story poster (PDF and .png formats) • Chelsea’s Story Press release about this fabulous awareness-raising online play • Six social media postings to schedule in the week leading up to 22 February • Notes to post with social […]
Resources and Links
Advocacy – Non-Partisan and Political explained (video)
Gender Equality Glossary (PDF)
Unchained At Last – a partner of Zonta, dedicated to end forced and child marriage
Advocacy Toolkits Links
Introduction to Advocacy – 30 min. video with Governor Donna Sroka, Advocacy Chair Verna Frasca, and Co-convener of the Zonta USA Advocacy Caucus Bobbee Cardillo discussing key elements of Advocacy in Zonta
USA Advocacy Caucus – Website | Facebook
Canadian Advocacy Caucus – Website | Facebook
ZI Advocacy Series Videos – A range of topics important to member advocacy
Disaster Preparedness Tips – from Zonta District 1 Fall Conference 2023
Climate Preparedness – Disaster-Ready Guides from Zonta Says NOW.