
Zonta’s Response to the Systematic Disturbing Rollback of Women’s Rights Globally

Zonta International remains steadfast in its mission to build a better world for women and girls
For over 100 years Zonta International and its members have fought hard to advance the rights of women
and girls around the world. Sadly, over the last several years, we have witnessed a systematic disturbing
rollback of women’s rights globally. These efforts to undermine the rights of women and girls, coupled
with now an alarming significant decrease in funding for development aid from the United States and
several European countries, are both deeply troubling and regressive actions that threaten the
fundamental hard-won progress achieved in advancing gender equality, human rights and sustainable

Undermining women’s rights, cutting critical funding for programs that empower women and girls, and
disregarding the needs of the most vulnerable populations, set back decades of work toward a fairer,
more just world not only for women and girls but for entire societies. Attacks on women’s rights and cuts
to critical funding not only harm individuals but also destabilize [international] efforts to fight poverty,
inequality and oppression. This short-sighted approach weakens global partnerships and betrays the
values of equity and human dignity that should guide us all.

Similarly, the reduction in development aid threatens vital efforts to address poverty, inequality, and
climate change, all of which disproportionately affect marginalized communities, and especially women
and children. As global challenges continue to affect the most vulnerable among us, it is crucial that we
come together to support organizations that are on the front lines of providing lifesaving aid and promoting
human dignity.

Zonta International supports this work through our long-standing partnerships with UNFPA and UNICEF,
organizations that work tirelessly to protect and advance the rights and well-being of children, women
and families around the world. Zonta International and Zonta Foundation for Women do not receive any
government funding, and our contributions to UNFPA and UNICEF will continue to support critical
programs to prevent violence against women and girls, advance climate justice and end child marriage.
We will continue to recognize and support women’s educational and professional advancement in
aerospace engineering, space sciences, broader STEM fields and business leadership globally through
the Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship, Zonta Women in STEM Award and Zonta Women in
Business Leadership Award. Our Zonta Young Women in Leadership Award will honor the brightest
emerging young women leaders worldwide.

We want to reassure all our members and supporters that our commitment to advancing women’s rights
remains steadfast and unwavering, regardless of the political or societal pressures we may face. Our
mission is rooted in the belief that every woman and girl deserves equality, justice and the opportunity to
thrive. With the dedicated support of our members, friends of Zonta and our Zonta International
Headquarters Team in the United States, we will continue to stand up for these values with courage and
resilience, ensuring that the voices of women and girls are heard and respected, and advocate for the
restoration of funding and the protection of women’s rights as key pillars of global progress.… Read the rest

2025 Understanding the Women in Business Leadership Award

The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship was discontinued in 2024. Moving forward for 2025 and in the future, it is now known as  the “Zonta Women in Business Leadership Award”.

It is imperative that Club Presidents and/or Club Members responsible for oversight of submission of applications to these awards to their club, and subsequent submission of an applicant’s name/application to District 1, carefully review read and review the description and guidelines for each of these awards. Eligibility requirements and guidelines have significantly changed.

Here are some key elements to be aware of:

Applicants for the 2025 “Zonta Women in Business Award”, aged 18-35 at the time of application, who demonstrate evidence of exceptional leadership in a business-related field of study or industry; entrepreneurial spirit; ethical conduct and significant contributions to addressing global or local issues affecting women and girls or climate justice are eligible to apply.

Applicants from geographic areas within a Zonta district where no clubs are located may apply directly to the district to be eligible for the international awards. Club members and individuals with direct membership with Zonta International and employees of Zonta International and Zonta Foundation for Women are not eligible to apply for the Awards. Committee or jury members or any member involved in the selection process should follow the Zonta International Conflict of Interest Policy in the selection of awardees. Z club and Golden Z club members are eligible to apply. Previous scholarship recipients are not eligible to apply.

Applicants for the 2026 Zonta Women in STEM Award may not also apply for the 2025 Zonta Women in Business Leadership Award

Clubs determine their own deadlines for submission of these applications based on timelines determined by the District Committee. Final submission of District winner is due to  Zonta International no later than October 15.

All information and supporting documents for the 2025 “Zonta Women in Business Leadership Award” can be found at under Our Programs/Education.… Read the rest

16 Days of Advocacy

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence was initiated in 1991 by the Women’s Global Leadership Institute at Rutgers University.  Activists around the world recognize it as a time to raise awareness in their communities and to call for the elimination of all types of gender-based violence. The designated 16-day period begins on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on Nov. 25 and ends on Human Rights Day Dec. 10. In addition to Zonta, more than 6,000 organizations from 187 countries have participated in the campaign.  Here are highlights from District 1 Clubs!

Zonta Club of Chelsea and North Shore

Note from Governor Donna Raycraft:  “A perfect match for the goals of  16 Days. I love that they were packed in an orange reusable Zonta bag, too. The bags not only promote Zonta, but their reusability hits the mark on the second ZI goal of reversing climate change by using sustainable products. A win all the way around.”

Zonta Club of Chelsea and North Shore deliver gift bags to women in new homes

The Zonta Club of Halifax Nova Scotia CA
Carol Dobson, President notes:  I have secured the illumination of Government House, which is also in flux as our wonderful Lieutenant Governor is ending his term and no date has been set for the change of command. We have a message into Peggy’s Cove and will be chasing Marcy the first of the week.


The Zonta Club of Quaboag Valley
Karen Keough-Huff, Vice President and Chair of Advocacy is pleased to announce a ‘first’ for the club.  16 poems posted on our Zonta of Quaboag Valley web page and on Facebook.

Women are increasingly impacted by gender-based violence – our hope is that our personal writings will raise awareness and inspire others to address these issues in their communities.

16 poems for 16 days

Thank you for registering for the 4th Annual Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women Summit. It was an informative and inspiring event, with three incredible speakers and reflections from some amazing young people. Please find recordings of all three sessions below.

























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Women’s Economic Opportunities in the Context of Climate Change

The Zonta Says NOW Intercontinental Think Tank meets on the third Sunday of each month and members may register via the Zonta International Events page.  Recordings of Intercontinental Think Tank meetings and can be found here.
The November Zonta International Think Tank shared the newly released Fact Sheet on Women’s Economic Opportunities in the Context of Climate Change. This 24 page document is colourful and easy to read. It is designed to be read online as it contains many hyperlinks. If you don’t understand the links between climate change and women’s economic opportunity, this is the document for you!I
Click on the visual below to open the PDF – and please share with friends and colleagues to educate them on the issues as well.

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2024 AE Fellows

Zonta District 1 is very excited to announce that 5 of the 30 Amelia Earhart winners in 2024 are from our District.  four are from MIT:  Mennatallah Hussein – Egypt, Hannah Tomio – United States, Madelyn Hoying – United States, and Shion Andrew – United States; one of the winners is from Brown (RI): Kierra Wilk – United States. These women will be honored with the awarding of their “wings” at a ceremony on January 16th sponsored by the Malden Club – click here for details.   Click here for the bios of Amelia Earhart Fellows for 2024.

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Are We a Secret?

Dropping Zonta into everyday conversation
~ Lynn Stanley, Lt. Governor, Zonta Club of Concord NH ~

“Our club recently had a purse-stuffing party. We filled over 100 purses with toiletries to give to local shelters. During our party, we were also putting messages on several hundred postcards to be sent to women across the country reminding them to vote – an activity sponsored by MomsRising.”

There – I just dropped Zonta into the conversation.  How can you drop Zonta into the conversation?

We interact with people all the time, why not give them the opportunity to ask questions about our organization?  Why not give them the opportunity to be a member or an ally of our Clubs?

“Sorry, I can’t do Wednesday evening, I have Zonta that night and we have an amazing speaker I don’t want to miss!”

“Yes, the unhoused in our community really is a challenge. Our Zonta Club is doing this great service project…”

“I agree, women are under attack in this political climate.  I’m so glad our Zonta Club is doing…”

“Wow, you have an amazing talent.  Our Zonta Club could use someone like you with your passion and skills.”

Of course, you better have your elevator speech ready to go!  My standard line is:
Zonta is an international organization and fortunately we have a local club.  We are a civic organization and our mission is to build a better world for women and girls.”

If they give me a positive response:
“We are always looking to build our membership, so any time you’d like to be my guest at one of our meetings, you could hear about all we are doing (and the dinner is fantastic!).”

Take a few minutes to think of all the places where you could drop Zonta into the conversation – in person or online.  You are doing great things, why not let people know?

 … Read the rest

Leadership in Zonta

District 1 Leadership

We are looking for a Chair for the 2024-2026 biennium.  Interested? Contact incoming Governor Donna Raycraftail

Current Leaders
Successful leadership in an all-volunteer member organization like Zonta requires prioritizing the greater good over the leader’s own objectives. Key attributes are valuing members and providing opportunities for their growth; knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and open communication; displaying authenticity; and both providing and sharing leadership.

District 1 Goals for the 2024-2026 Biennium
The goals include helping clubs amplify efforts to have a credible and visible voice; supporting club success, promoting leadership and sustainability; and encouraging engagement of audiences and allies. Let Donna Raycraft know how you can contribute to these goals.

Resources and Links

Club President Orientation (60-minutes video) Whether it is your first time or a repeat performance, this orientation from the Membership Committee will help you embrace your leadership potential, empower your fellow members, and equip you with communication, decision-making, and conflict-resolution skills to build a thriving, productive club. 

Resolution 2, Strategic Plan & 2024-2026 Biennial Goals (60-minute video)– May 29: The future is bright for Zonta International. Join Zonta International President Ute Scholz, President-Elect Salla Tuominen, Vice President Fernanda Gallo-Freschi and Treasurer/Secretary Souella Cumming for a look back at the path from Resolution 2 to the Strategic Plan and how both Resolution 2 and the Strategic Plan informed the 2024-2026 Biennial Goals.

2023 Zonta Club Manual PDF The Club Manual serves as a guideline for club officers and committee Listing of resources for understanding the club president’s role, leading your club, and shaping a culture that stimulates growth and retention. members and contains information related to basic club operations, resources, and reference materials.

District 1 Club President Resource Guide – List of resources for understanding the club president’s role, leading your club, and shaping a culture that stimulates growth and retention.

District 1 Annual Planning Calendar – Month-by-month highlights of important events and dates to use for planning meetings and programs for the Zonta year.


Aspiring Leaders

Whether you want to learn how to be an active Zontian member, committee chair, board member, president, or governor, the best place to start is the PROCESS MAP FOR DEVELOPING CORE COMPETENCIES FOR ZONTA LEADERSHIP

2024 Core Competencies Matrix  This document takes you through specific pages of the Zonta Club Manual and short videos from the Leadership Development program, based on your desired area of growth. Simply choose your focus, then click on the links in that column to read or watch at your own pace.  When completed, share your experience with club members by completing this short Core Competency Review Sheet 


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