2023 YWPA Winner

District 1 winner for the YWPA 2023 award at the ZI level was Morgan Casey from Concord, NH. Her application was submitted by the Zonta Club of Concord NH

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Canadian Advocacy Update 2/2024

The last meeting of the Canada Caucus was held on January 19, 2024. The design and content of the website was the main topic of the meeting.

In Canada, February 22 is Human Trafficking Awareness Day and the Canada Caucus Committee on Human Trafficking is creating strategies to share with our clubs and like-minded organizations to create awareness of this serious issue on that day.

In 2023: 22 February is Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Canada.
The link (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kECekB-1O6wD7P9PKAe9GpxNRxf4Lovq?usp=share_link) contains the following materials and suggested activities for club actions: • 2023 document 1 overview of suggested activities • 2023 document 2 with links to more information on Human Trafficking in Canada • Chelsea’s Story poster (PDF and .png formats) • Chelsea’s Story Press release about this fabulous awareness-raising online play • Six social media postings to schedule in the week leading up to 22 February • Notes to post with social media posts • Nine infographics on Sex Trafficking: Myth vs. Fact

In addition, the Canada Caucus wishes to announce that the Canada Caucus Facebook and Instagram pages have been launched with our first posts: Facebook Zonta Canada Caucus: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089577531614 Instagram@zontacanadahttps://www.instagram.com/zontacanada/ Please follow and share our social media and pass on to all your club members so they can also follow and share. It would be great if we can share our social media with every Canadian Zontian (and non-Canadian members and non-Zontians, too!). Ask them to follow our pages so we can get the message out!… Read the rest