Think Tanks: Zonta Says NOW – Virtual


ZONTA SAYS NOW INTERCONTINENTAL THINK TANK All members are welcome to join the Zonta Says NOW to Gender-Equal Climate Action Intercontinental Think Tank. Come share your ideas and gather inspiration on how we can address Gender-Equal Climate Action NOW! 3:00 AM UTC\ Friend of the Earth The April Think Tank meeting celebrates Mother Earth Day! It will be hosted by Australian Zontians and will feature Professor Anne Poelina, a Nyikina Warrwa woman from the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Professor Poelina (pictured above) is an active community leader, film maker and respected academic researcher. Renowned for her dedication to Earth rights and human rights, Professor Anne Poelina stands as a prominent figure in indigenous advocacy and environmental conservation. Her tireless efforts span initiatives aimed at safeguarding indigenous rights, promoting sustainable development, and advancing Earth rights principles. Through empowering communities to engage in decision-making processes and championing environmental sustainability, Professor Poelina's work epitomizes a commitment to justice, equity, and the well-being of both people and the planet. This meeting will be the first held at a 'friendly time' for Zontians in Asia, Oceania and Australasia and will be held at 3am UTC on Sunday 21 April. (Be aware that this meeting will be in the early morning in Europe/Africa, and on Saturday evening in the USA). Julie Trone will also give us all a ‘preview’ of the Virtual Art Gallery - just in time for Mother Earth Day on 22 April.

Earth Day

Why do we celebrate Mother Earth Day on 22 April? Mother Earth Day brings attention to the intersection of gender and environmental issues. Women often bear the greatest burdens of environmental degradation, facing challenges such as access to clean water, food security, and the impacts of climate change. Recognizing and celebrating this day helps to elevate women's voices in environmental discussions, promotes gender equality in decision-making processes related to environmental protection, and empowers women to be leaders in sustainable development efforts. By acknowledging the unique perspective and contributions of women, we can work towards a more just and sustainable world for all. On Mother Earth Day, why not take a walk outside and celebrate nature? Breathe the air that connects us and listen to the birds. Watch a 40 minute webinar on Climate with Dr. Patricia Tesoriero Consider how your donation to the Zonta Foundation for Women will help to build a better world for women and girls.

District 1 Member Survey

The incoming 2024-2026 District 1 Board and I would like to know more about the diverse interests of our members.  We want to acknowledge all that our members have done in their own clubs and in our District and to find out how they would like to provide Zonta service in the future.  We don’t want to assume anything.  Please take a 5-10 miutes to fill out this survey as soon as possible.  We appreciate your input.            LINK Donna Raycraft, Governor-elect