
District 1 Membership Chair
Donna Raycraft
, Zonta Club of Concord NH USA

District 1 can be very proud of itself for its work on increasing membership in this past biennium.  Although we are losing the Medford club, those members will honor their Zonta heritage by joining other clubs or becoming allies.  This club has very strong and active members and will continue to be a tribute to our district in new ways.  Other clubs have increased their memberships using some creative activities and initiatives.  Kudos in particular go to the Bangor club, who rose from the ashes and deserve a round of applause!  We have our brand new club in Rhode Island, and we have great expectations for our potential new clubs in Vermont, Connecticut and our E-Club.  Thank you to our Club Membership Chairs for jobs well done.
Donna Raycraft
The more members we have, the greater impact we make. That means we need to do two things:
  1. Recruit new members and supporters, welcoming diversity and being inclusive.
  2. Keep existing members engaged, spreading the Zonta Spirit and developing leaders.

Membership is EVERY Zontian’s responsibility.


Induction + Installation Ceremonies Installation of club officers and directors This installation ceremony is often performed by a current or former district officer, but may also be performed by a former club president or a Zonta International representative. The Zonta Club of <Name> has completed another year [or term] of service to the community and to the world. We are all proud of these accomplishments and turn now to the year [or term] ahead. Will the officers and directors of the club for the coming year [or term] please come forward? Director of the club. <name>, your duties are many, and they are important. You will actively participate in all club board meetings. It is important that you attend them regularly, and that you be punctual in doing so. All matters presented at these board meetings are to be carefully and seriously considered. Board decisions are to be made according […]


If you ask 100 Zontians WHY they continue to be volunteers for this organization, the top 3 responses will be: “I joined for the cause, but stayed for the friendships.” Belonging defined: a feeling of being happy or comfortable as part of a particular group and having a good relationship with the other members of the group because they welcome and accept you.  Doesn’t it make sense to capitalize on this fact as we work on attracting and retaining membership? Especially since this is a Membership-Driven organization! The Zonta Spirit Working Group has been gathering and sharing ideas. Key takeaways on building a culture of community, fun, and friendship include: People bond from the shared experience of working together on a project – service, fundraising, advocacy, etc. Socializing outside of club meetings is where the magic happens – caring and sharing. Celebrating each other’s achievements and being there for each […]

Leadership in Zonta

District 1 Leadership Chair We are looking for a Chair for the 2024-2026 biennium.  Interested? Contact incoming Governor Donna Raycraftail Current Leaders Successful leadership in an all-volunteer member organization like Zonta requires prioritizing the greater good over the leader’s own objectives. Key attributes are valuing members and providing opportunities for their growth; knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and open communication; displaying authenticity; and both providing and sharing leadership. Club President Orientation (60-minutes video) – Whether it is your first time or a repeat performance, this orientation from the Membership Committee will help you embrace your leadership potential, empower your fellow members, and equip you with communication, decision-making, and conflict-resolution skills to build a thriving, productive club.  Resolution 2, Strategic Plan & 2024-2026 Biennial Goals (60-minute video)– May 29: The future is bright for Zonta International. Join Zonta International President Ute Scholz, President-Elect Salla Tuominen, Vice President Fernanda Gallo-Freschi and Treasurer/Secretary Souella Cumming for a […]

Recruiting Resources and Links

Retention Resources and Links

Communication Challenges
DISC Personality Assessment  Explained (6 min)
DISC Assessment – FREE private assessment

Is There a Hole in Your Bucket (PP) 

Tips for Increasing Visibility

Membership Frequently Asked Questions


Length of Service Award 
Certificate Letter (signed by Ute)