District 1 Young Women in Leadership Chair:
Lorraine Bartlett, Zonta Club of Concord NH USA

The purpose of this award is to encourage more young women to participate in public affairs by recognizing their early commitments to volunteerism, leadership, and dedication to the advancement of the status of women. Each club is encouraged to solicit applications from young women aged 16-19, offer a Club award if possible (not required), and name a Club YWPA Winner. Clubs then forward their winners on to the Governor/District YWPA Chair – and a District YWPA winner is selected and forwarded to the Foundation for Women to compete for a $5000 cash award from the Zonta Foundation for Women.

2024 YWPA Procedures

By now I’m sure most of you are aware that the application and guidelines for the 2024 “Young Woman in Public Affairs Award” is posted to the Zonta International Website. With that being said, I am reaching out to make sure all of you have that information directly. Attached to this email you will find the following documents for 2024: YWPA application; Guidelines for Clubs & District/Regions; YWPA Selection Criteria; Evaluation Committee Scoring Sheet and the Club- Application Cover Sheet. A couple of important things to remember when selecting a candidate. One, they must assure that references submit a signed & dated recommendation form with their signed & dated reference letter. Secondly, they must assure that the Verification of Enrollment is signed/dated AND includes a legible school seal. Thirdly, according to ZI rules, the applicant must confirm that they are not a family member (ancestor, descendant, adoptee, sibling, niece or cousin) of a […]

2023 YWPA Winner

District 1 winner for the YWPA 2023 award at the ZI level was Morgan Casey from Concord, NH. Her application was submitted by the Zonta Club of Concord NH. 

Resources and Links

2024 YWPA Application | PDF

2024 YWPA Application Cover Sheet-Clubs | PDF

2024 YWPA Application Recommendation Form | PDF

2024 YWPA Announcing Applications-Sample News Release |  DOC

2024 YWPA Evaluation Committee Scoring Sheet | PDF

2024 YWPA Evaluation Criteria | PDF

2024 YWPA Guidelines for Clubs, Districts and Region | PDF

2024 YWPA Poster | PDF