
Foundation Update February 2024

As a reminder of the wonderful things our donations can accomplish, please check out this article, which appeared in Forbes: Zonta Partnership with UNICEF USA Here is a link to the article. Also, check out the bios of 2023 scholarship winners on the ZI member site! Thank you to all the clubs who participated in these programs. Consider inviting a scholar to speak at a district or club event.



As of January 30, 2023 donations to the Zonta Foundation for Women supporting international service projects, educational programs, and endowment funds totaled $3,558,359 for the 2022-2024 biennium! That is 78% of the biennium goal.


For District 1,

  • Total donations from seven of our eleven clubs total $34,823. Great work! Thank you to our amazing clubs!
  • Five of our members and 1 club have made donations to the endowment funds for a total of $1,541.
  • Individual donations so far total $9,840, from 37 of our 193 members. 19%

Our district ranks 28th out of 31 districts in donations from individuals. I know we can do better, especially when I look at the average donation per member ($179) compared to districts with many more members. Thank you to all who have donated to date. Let’s all remember the important work of the Foundation. Can we reach the goal of 100% of our members donating? I think we can. I know how much our District 1 Zontians care about the work the Foundation does.

If you have any questions about the work of the Zonta Foundation for Women or would like a speaker for your meeting, please feel free to contact Ambassador Donna Clifford at Thank you all for your efforts to improve the lives of women and girls around the world.… Read the rest

2023 AE Fellow

Chloe was celebrated in January 2024 at an event hosted by the Zonta Club of Chelsea North Shore.

District 1 was proud to learn that the 2024 Amelia Earhart Fellowship was again awarded to an MIT graduate student. Chloe Gentgen is from France and is pursuing studies in Astronautical Aeronautics. She was presented with her “Wings“ and certificate by Club AE Co-Chair Theresa DiPietro and District Secretary Mary Knight, standing in for Governor Donna Sroka, at a special ceremony hosted by the Chelsea Club, at the Hilton Garden Inn, Logan Airport on January 18th. Thanks to Joan Lanzillo Hahesy and Janice Tartaka for coordinating this event.


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2024 YWPA Procedures

By now I’m sure most of you are aware that the application and guidelines for the 2024 “Young Woman in Public Affairs Award” is posted to the Zonta International Website. With that being said, I am reaching out to make sure all of you have that information directly. Attached to this email you will find the following documents for 2024: YWPA application; Guidelines for Clubs & District/Regions; YWPA Selection Criteria; Evaluation Committee Scoring Sheet and the Club- Application Cover Sheet.

A couple of important things to remember when selecting a candidate. One, they must assure that references submit a signed & dated recommendation form with their signed & dated reference letter. Secondly, they must assure that the Verification of Enrollment is signed/dated AND includes a legible school seal. Thirdly, according to ZI rules, the applicant must confirm that they are not a family member (ancestor, descendant, adoptee, sibling, niece or cousin) of a classified member (club member or individual with direct membership with Zonta International) or a family member of a classified member’s spouse or cohabiting partner, and/or employee of Zonta International. It is my understanding ZI is being very strict about this particular requirement.

In addition, it is imperative that when the Club President submits an application/materials to District 1 for consideration of moving on to the ZI level, they assure all of the required application documents are sent to me as the District 1 YWPA Evaluation Committee Chair, along with the signed/dated Club- Application Cover Sheet. The email address for submission of YWPA applications from District 1 Clubs is: or directly to Lorraine Bartlett at

This is a lot of information to digest so if any of you have any questions or need clarification about the application process, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Individual Zonta Clubs determine their own deadline for submission of YWPA applications to their Club.
Please be aware that the deadline to submit an application to District 1 for review by the District 1 YWPA Evaluation Committee is April 1, 2024.

I hope you find the above information and the attached documents to be of assistance.

Lorraine Bartlett, Chair
District 1 YWPA Evaluation Committee
Member, Zonta Club of Concord, NH… Read the rest

Canadian Advocacy Update 2/2024

The last meeting of the Canada Caucus was held on January 19, 2024. The design and content of the website was the main topic of the meeting.

In Canada, February 22 is Human Trafficking Awareness Day and the Canada Caucus Committee on Human Trafficking is creating strategies to share with our clubs and like-minded organizations to create awareness of this serious issue on that day.

In 2023: 22 February is Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Canada.
The link ( contains the following materials and suggested activities for club actions: • 2023 document 1 overview of suggested activities • 2023 document 2 with links to more information on Human Trafficking in Canada • Chelsea’s Story poster (PDF and .png formats) • Chelsea’s Story Press release about this fabulous awareness-raising online play • Six social media postings to schedule in the week leading up to 22 February • Notes to post with social media posts • Nine infographics on Sex Trafficking: Myth vs. Fact

In addition, the Canada Caucus wishes to announce that the Canada Caucus Facebook and Instagram pages have been launched with our first posts: Facebook Zonta Canada Caucus: Instagram@zontacanada Please follow and share our social media and pass on to all your club members so they can also follow and share. It would be great if we can share our social media with every Canadian Zontian (and non-Canadian members and non-Zontians, too!). Ask them to follow our pages so we can get the message out!… Read the rest

USA Advocacy Update 1/2024

Verna Frasca, District 1 Advocacy Chair – USA

The USA Caucus is a place for clubs and districts in the USA to align on key issues and provides a platform for coordinated advocacy actions within the USA. Below is a brief update on current activity.

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) 

All members are asked to act on SIGN-4-ERA Petition, calling on Congress to recognize the fact that the Equal Rights Amendment has already been ratified by the necessary 38 states. Please sign and forward the link to family, friends, coworkers, etc. For more information on the ERA, check out the ERA Toolkit.

Ending Child Marriage

In October 2023, Unchained at Last co-wrote a joint submission for the UN Human Rights Commitee’s periodic review of adherence by the US to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The submission addressed several failings by the US related to the welfare of women. The work continues in several states, including New Hampshire, where the Concord NH club is actively involved.

Climate Change

Still wondering what climate change has to do with women’s welfare? Read this CNN Report on How the Climate Crisis Fuels Gender Inequality, which highlights most of the issues Zonta addresses. You are also encouraged to check out a 17-minute video created by Carole Theobald, leader of the Zonta Says NOW Working Group. Did you know that YOU can attend the ongoing Intercontinental Think Tank meetings on climate-related issues? The next Think Tank is on Being Financially Prepared for Climate Emergencies 2/11/24 3 pm CST. Register here.

UN CSW The 2024 Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) will take place March 11-22 in New York City as well as virtually. The priority theme for CSW is accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective. Zonta Says NOW will present a program at CSW on March 15th @8am EST on a simple and practical approach to address gender equality and climate action.

Ending Violence Against Women (VAW)

Many initiatives continue, including issuing statements regarding the impact of the current violence in the Middle East on women and children; advocacy to get the Human Trafficking Act (S.3124) ensuring legal representation for survivors passed by the House of Representatives; and keeping issues around Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) in the limelight.

Women’s Health

Initiatives include expanding coverage under Medicare for women undergoing mastectomies and advocating for the eradication of period poverty.

Fast Action Fridays: Take action for women and girls with the Zonta USA Caucus.

Text ZONTA to 50457 to get our advocacy alerts via text message and be one of the first to find out when there is a new opportunity. Follow the instructions you receive to complete registration.… Read the rest

Leadership in Zonta

District 1 Leadership Chair
We are looking for a Chair for the 2024-2026 biennium.  Interested? Contact incoming Governor Donna Raycraftail

Current Leaders
Successful leadership in an all-volunteer member organization like Zonta requires prioritizing the greater good over the leader’s own objectives. Key attributes are valuing members and providing opportunities for their growth; knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and open communication; displaying authenticity; and both providing and sharing leadership.

Club President Orientation (60-minutes video) Whether it is your first time or a repeat performance, this orientation from the Membership Committee will help you embrace your leadership potential, empower your fellow members, and equip you with communication, decision-making, and conflict-resolution skills to build a thriving, productive club. 

Resolution 2, Strategic Plan & 2024-2026 Biennial Goals (60-minute video)– May 29: The future is bright for Zonta International. Join Zonta International President Ute Scholz, President-Elect Salla Tuominen, Vice President Fernanda Gallo-Freschi and Treasurer/Secretary Souella Cumming for a look back at the path from Resolution 2 to the Strategic Plan and how both Resolution 2 and the Strategic Plan informed the 2024-2026 Biennial Goals.

2023 Zonta Club Manual PDF The Club Manual serves as a guideline for club officers and committee members and contains information related to basic club operations, resources, and reference materials. .



Aspiring Leaders
Whether you want to learn how to be an active Zontian member, committee chair, board member, president, or governor, the best place to start is the PROCESS MAP FOR DEVELOPING CORE COMPETENCIES FOR ZONTA LEADERSHIP

2024 Core Competencies Matrix  This document takes you through specific pages of the Zonta Club Manual and short videos from the Leadership Development program, based on your desired area of growth. Simply choose your focus, then click on the links in that column to read or watch at your own pace.  When completed, share your experience with club members by completing this short Core Competency Review Sheet 

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2022 AE Fellows

District 1 had three AE Fellows from MIT in 2022: Adriana Mitchell, Maya Nasr and Madeleine Schroeder. The MIT awardees received their wings and were honored in a special ceremony in January 2023 – Amelia Earhart month – hosted by the Zonta Club of Malden.  Governor Donna Sroka and members of Zonta District 1 Amelia Earhart Committee are available to speak about this prestigious award at MIT, WPI and other institutions.

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